Le Hong Yen Le Hong Yen 
Mr. Wolfgang and Mrs. Elisabeth Dieterich
Dear Ms Le Yen, We returned safe and well to Germany from a superb holiday in Vietnam. My wife and me, we both are very impressed about the programme you set up for us. We took more than 1000 photos and more than 4 hours of video from all areas we have been. It was one of our most wonderful holidays we ever enjoyed. The hotels you picked for us were all in order and offered a great service. The breakfast buffet in all hotels was outstanding, the personnel friendly and very courteous. Especially the Mekong Lodge, Romance Hotel in Hue and the Sea and Sun Hotel in Nha Trang impressed us very much. All restaurants were excellent and some of them had very agreeable ambience especially the Mekong Lodge, The Samar in Siemreap and the one in Nha Trang were very charming for us. In all cases, the food was delicious and rich and we experience no problems at all.


All the drivers were punctual and a pick up was never a problem. All guides were endeavoured to show us the points of interest except the one we had in Hue. This guy was not were motivated and he also did not show us the citadelle completely. He also wanted us to change the schedule and to leave Hue in the morning of the next day instead in the afternoon, as planned. I told him to clear this matter with the travel agency. We gained the impression, that he wanted to get rid of us as soon as possible. We could not trust this man.

Thank you very much for all the planning and arrangements of our trip and rest assured that we will recommend your office to our friends. In case we are planning another tour to Asia, we, of course, will contact you again.

Attached we send you a picture which was taken in Angkor.

With warmest regards,
Wolfgang and Elisabeth


» Mrs. Louise Cooper-Shaw (September 26, 2010, 4:30 pm)
» Mrs.Long (September 26, 2010, 4:30 pm)
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